本周3/16(六) 7-9pm Retro/ mojocoffee 的表演,偶會在下半場 guest 加入玩三首歌。

久違的台中表演,非常期待,更感謝Scott Chen的用心讓台中終於又有如此的好地方可以演出,以及好咖啡可以喝。

那天大家也一起來吧。 ;)

Nick Javier本週六將為大家帶來The Headhunters Project 音樂會。演出Herbie Hancock經典爵士曲目。

Herbie Handcock是六零年代世界最重要的爵士樂手之一。於1963年到1968年間,他在Blue Note唱片品牌旗下展開他的獨奏專集之旅;同時期知名的樂手還走Miles Davis。1970年代初期,他開始創作更具流行風的作品,融合了放克、R&B等,James Brown、Stevie Wonder、和Sly and the Family Stone的音樂風格。1973年,Handcock發行了一張突破爵士樂,跨足流行樂的專集"Headhunter",更在告示牌排行榜上得到銷售第13名的佳績,這是爵士樂界從來沒發生過的事情。Handcock曾經聲明過,在他的樂團裡,他不想錄用想玩放克的爵士樂手,或者是想玩爵士的放克樂手。這是爵士長號樂手Nick Javier這次演出的精神內涵之一。

The Headhunter Project是由活躍於台灣的美國長號樂手,Nick javier領軍,他畢業於密西根州立大學與荷蘭的Royal Convervatoire。他也曾經在國家音樂廳與Albert "Tootie" Heath, Antonio Hart, Michael Phillip Mossman共同演出。2011年,Javier與台北爵士交響樂共同錄製了爵士專集,2010年台中爵士音樂節演出中,並列台灣爵士大師行列。

這次Nick Javier演出的卡司包括了:
Jack Ko- 電貝斯
Roger Smith: 鍵盤/ Fender Rhodes 電鋼琴
Julian Emanuel: 鼓手

樂團將重現Hearbie Handcock的"Headhunter"中的改編專集曲目,以及其他經典曲目。敬請期待。

收費: 400元(含200元門票、200元的飲料服務費、與娛樂稅),包含一杯指定飲料。
時間: 3/16晚上七點到九點。(抱歉,我不知道為什麼FB的活動只能顯示6:00pm開始。不過正確開始時間是7:00pm喔!)

Nick Javier presents “The Headhunters Project”,
the music of Herbie Hancock

Herbie Hancock was one of the most outstanding jazz pianists and composers of the 1960’s. He distinguished himself with his work in the Miles Davis Quintet between 1963 and 1968, and with his solo albums for the Blue Note record label. By the early 1970’s Hancock started thinking about taking his music in a direction that had more popular appeal, one rooted in the funk and R&B styles of James Brown, Stevie Wonder, and Sly and the Family Stone. In 1973 Hancock made a breakthrough into popular culture with the incredibly successful album “Headhunters”. This album reached number 13 on the “Billboard chart”, unheard of for a jazz record, and sold over a million copies. Hancock even claimed that he didn’t want to hire jazz musicians who could play funk, but funk musicians who could play jazz. It is with the same spirit that trombonist Nick Javier presents his “Headhunters Project” at the Retro Cafe.
The Headhunters Project is led by trombonist, Nick Javier, a native of Michigan, and a graduate of Michigan State University and the Royal Conservatoire in the Netherlands. Javier’s musical activities in Taiwan have included sharing the stage in The National Hall with Albert “Tootie” Heath, Antonio Hart, and Michael Phillip Mossman. In 2011, Javier recorded an album with the Taipei Jazz Orchestra, and in the 2010 Taichung Jazz Festival, Javier was a member of the Taiwan All-Stars, led by Stacey Wei. The Headhunters Project also includes:
Jack Ko – electric bass
Roger Smith – Fender Rhodes electric piano/keyboard
Julian Emanuel – drums
The Headhunters Project will be performing the “Headhunters” album in its entirety, paying tribute to one of the most important recordings in the history of recorded music. Along with this, the Headhunters Project will be performing some of the important compositions by Herbie Hancock that ultimately led to his historic “Headhunters” album.

(內文介紹轉貼自Retro Coffee)

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