Date:Saturday, October 6th 2012
Time:10:30 pm
Cover Charge:NT200
地點:108 Taipei, Taiwan台北市安和路一段102巷1號B-1 ~ B-1,1,Lane 102, Sec.1,Anhe Rd.Taipei
Sexual Chocolate 是個專門演奏 "old school" 類型音樂的樂團,包括了像是 Stevie Wonder ,James Brown ,Marvin Gaye,Earth Wind and Fire,Kool and the Gang 等的音樂。
從2010年以來,各界以及全台各大 live house 邀約不斷,我們更誠摯的希望能一直為大家帶來最頂級的聽覺饗宴。
在身兼長號手/作曲編曲家/團長的 Nick Javier 帶領之下,我們所演奏的音樂皆以爵士樂(Jazz)為思考的主軸,並將觸角延伸到放克(Funk),靈魂福音(Gospel)以及流行樂(Pop)。
現場演奏風格除了本身 "jazzy" 的本質外,附加帶來的是充滿著 James Brown 式的強大能量及韻律。
Sexual Chocolate is a cover band that whole-heartedly believes that there’s no “school” of music better than the “old school”, specializing in the music of Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Earth Wind and Fire, and Kool and the Gang, just to name a few. Conceived by trombonist, bandleader, songwriter, and vocalist Nick Javier, Sexual Chocolate’s “old school” musical vision uses jazz as a foundation, but incorporates funk, soul, gospel, and pop music. Behind him, the band works a groove like James Brown’s J.B.’s, and treats jazz more as a musical action than a music genre. Plus, their shows feature their bandleader with enough energy to power a fleet of blue trucks. It’s an energy that burns full throttle, lit by the heat of Nick Javier’s masterful trombone playing, soulful voice, and the power and passion of his performance.
Sexual Chocolate is uniquely qualified to maintain the “groove” tradition.
Sexual Chocolate :
Nick Javier:Vocal and trombone
Roger Smith:Piano
Jack Ko:Bass
George Yeh:Guitar
Suyeh Liao:Drums
Ruby Pan:Saxphone
- Oct 01 Mon 2012 08:53
[表演訊息] 2012/10/6 Sexual Chocolate 激情傻客@Sappho de Base